
pirḫu - (a plant) (CAD P 395, AHw. 865)
No definitive etymology can be suggested.
piriduluš - (a plant) (CAD P 395)
A Kassite origin is suggested by the element pir(i)-, as in other Kassite plant names, and the ending -š (Balkan 1954:219 No. 64),
pirindu - pomegranate seed (CAD P 398, AHw 866)
According to Mutzafi 2014:45, the Akkadian word goes back to an Aramaic prototype *prinda, postulated for Classical Mandaic on the basis of Neo-Mandaic pǝrendɔ “dried pomegranate seed” (< *pǝredda < *pVridtā), with dissimilation *dd > nd common in Mandaic. See further JPA pyrṭh, det. pyrṭth ‘pomegranate seed’, JBA prīdā id., Syr. predtā ‘grain, seed’, previously considered as the source of the Akkadian lexeme in Abraham-Sokoloff 2011:44 and DJBA 932.
pirinzaḫu, purunzaḫu - frog (CAD P 398, AHw 1583)
No etymology can be suggested. The Akkadian lexeme is remotely similar to Hbr. ṣəpardēaˁ “frog” (< *ŝipardiˁ ̣ -) and its cognates dealt with in SED II No. 222, but there is hardly any possibility to relate it to this protoform via regular phonological developments.
pirištu, piriltu, meriltu - secret (CAD P 398, AHw. 866)
pirizaḫ - (a plant) (CAD P 403, AHw. 866)
Or pirimaḫ, pirzaḫ, piriduḫ. From Kassite (explicitly referred to as Kassite by the ancient scribes).
pirru - (mng. unkn.) (CAD P 410)
pirru - (work force, labor detachment, laborer) (CAD P 409, AHw. 855, 1582)
No etymology can be suggested.
pirṣaduḫḫu - (an aromatic) (CAD P 413, AHw. 855)
Or pirṣiduḫḫu. The etymology is obscure.
piršantu - (an aromatic plant) (CAD P 414, AHw. 855)
Most probably, of Hurrian origin. Analysable as fer-ž-and-i, derived from a root *f/perž- with the root complement -and (Wilhelm 2008:88) and the thematic vowel -i,