
Official Aramaic
rˀš, rš, ryš - head (DNWSI 1042)
Official Aramaic
rgl, lgl - foot (DNWSI 1060)
Official Aramaic
rḥm - to love (DNWSI 1068)
Official Aramaic
ršy - to have authority, to have a right to (DNWSI 1086)
Official Aramaic
skr - to stop up (DNWSI 786)
aph. ‘to deliver, hand over’
Official Aramaic
ss - moth (DNWSI 795)
Official Aramaic
swsh - horse (DNWSI 795)
pl. swsyn, emph. swsyˀ
Official Aramaic
šˀl - to ask (DNWSI 1096)
Official Aramaic
šˀn - shoe, sandal (DNWSI 1098)
Official Aramaic
šbˁ - to be sated (DNWSI 1101)