
Biblical Aramaic
plḥ - to pay reverence, to serve (a deity) (HALOT 1957)
Biblical Aramaic
pūm - mouth (HALOT 1765)
Biblical Aramaic
prs - to divide (HALOT 1958)
Biblical Aramaic
mәpōrāš - translated section by section (HALOT 1960)
According to Zimmern 1920, 434, the widespread meaning “to understand; to give a clear decision, to explain” for *p-r-š in Aramaic (and Hebrew) may be due to the influence of Akk. parāsu
Biblical Aramaic
parsīn - one-half of a shekel (HALOT 1958)
Biblical Aramaic
pas - palm of the hand (HALOT 1958)
Biblical Aramaic
pšr - to interpret (HALOT 1960)
Biblical Aramaic
ptāy - breadth (HALOT 1961)
Biblical Aramaic
rē(ˀ)š - head; beginning (HALAT 1777)
Biblical Aramaic
raḇ - great (HALOT 1975‒1977)
Pl. raḇrəḇīn