
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˀyšth - fire (DJPA 54)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˀyyl - stag, hart (DJPA 48)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˀyylh - hind (DJPA 48)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˀzl - to go (DJPA 43)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˁbd - to do; to make (DJPA 391)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˁgˁg - to roll, to wallow (DJPA 444)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˁgl - calf (DJPA 395)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˁgl - to tie or wrap around, to roll around (DJPA 395)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˁglgwl - small calf (DJPA 395)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˁglh - heifer (DJPA 395)
det. ˁglth