
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
msn - shoe (DJPA 320)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
mšk - skin, leather (DJPA 334)

det. mškh

Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
mtn - loin (DJPA 337)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
mwḥ - skull, brain (DJPA 294)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
mwt - to die (DJPA 297)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
myṣˁh - middle (DJPA 325)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
mzg - to mix, serve wine, pour (DJPA 297)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
nˁmy - ostrich (DJPA 354)
det. nˁmyth
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
nˁr - to shake out (DJPA 354)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
nbylh - carrion, corpse (DJPA 339)

det. nblth