
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
pḳwˁ - colocynth (DJPA 443)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
pḳˁ - to burst (DJPA 443)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
pḳd - to command, to instruct; (ap.) to deposit; to appoint (DJPA 442)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
plg - to be divided (DJPA 433)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
plḥ - to work; to worship (DJPA 435)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
plkh - distaff (DJPA 436)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
plḳ - wound (DJPA 437)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
plṭ - to escape (DJPA 435)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ply - to remove lice (DJPA 436)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
plyyt ḥywwyyh - speckled beetle (DJPA 436)