
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
slḳ - to go up, come, travel, rise, amount to, be finished (DJPA 379)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
slwwy - quail (DJPA 378)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
smmy - type of lizard (DJPA 382)
Det. smmyth. Likely a Hebraism.
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
spḳ - to suffice (DJPA 386)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ss - moth, worm (DJPA 384)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
sūsē - horse (DJPA 371)
det. sūsyā, pl. swswwn
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
swm - to place (DJPA 370)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
sypwwh, det. sypwwth - lip, border, bank (DJPA 376)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
šaḥrā - dawn (DJPA 545)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
škḥ - to find; to be able (DJPA 549)