
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
šrš - root (DJPA 568)
The basic word for ‘root’ is ˁyḳr.
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
šry - to dwell, encamp, loosen, forgive (DJPA 566)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
štḳ - to be silent (DJPA 569)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
šṭr - promissory note, note, deed (DJPA 546)

The word has no verbal exponent. Usually considered to be an Akkadian loanword. 

Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
šṭḥ - to spread out (DJPA 545)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
šty - to drink (DJPA 569)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
šwmn - fat (DJPA 541)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
šyḥy, (byt) šyḥyyh - armpit (DJPA 95)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ṣˁr - pain, sorrow, trouble (DJPA 468)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
šgˁ - (pa.) to become insane (JPA 537)