
kapāṣu - to bend over, to curl, to droop (CAD K 181, AHw. 443)
kappaltu - area between the thighs, groin (CAD K 184, AHw. 444)
kappu - arm, hand (CAD K 185, AHw. 444)
kappu - wing; quill, plumage, frond (CAD K 185, AHw. 444)
Formally identical to kappu ‘arm, hand’ (see PS *kapp- ‘palm, flap of hand or foot’).
kâpu - to bend (CAD K 192)
kāpu - cliff, embankment (CAD K 191, AHw. 445)

The lexeme is often compared to Aramaic term kp 'stone' (cf. JBA kēp̄ā), but the Akkadian word is late and may well be borrowed from Aramaic (Kogan 2015:429). As rightly pointed out in CAD K 192, the meaning of the element ka-pi in OB proper names like a-ḫi-ka-pi is uncertain, which makes rather doubtful its equation with kāpu ‘cliff’ proposed in AHw. 445. The matter is further complicated by the fact that kēpā/kipa with the characteristically Akkadian meaning ‘shore, bank’ is well attested in JBA and Mandaic. A curious reminiscent of Akk. kāpu ša šadî is Soq. expression ˀid kaf id máˁbher ‘gegen Felsen hin’ (Müller 1905:280) (see Soq. kɛf). (Kogan 2015:429)

ḳâpu - to trust (CAD Q 93, AHw. 918)
karānu - vine, wine, grapes (CAD K 202, AHw. 446)
Contra Fronzaroli and Leslau, we hesitate to identify PCS *karm- with Akk. karānu ‘wine, grapevine, grapes’ and the undoubtedly related Sumerian ka-ra-an ‘clusters of fruit’ (from Ur III onwards).
karāru - to put an object in place, to set (CAD K 207; AHw. 447)
karašu - leek (CAD K 212, AHw. 448)