nuḫmat- - ce que l'on jette par la bouche ou par le nez, comme pituite, glaire, etc. (what is thrown out through the mouth or through the nose, such as pituitis, mucus, etc.)
(BK 2 1223)
Note a strategy of tri and quadriconsonantization here, namely inclusion of -m suffix as a third radical.
nuḫrat- - fore part of the nose
(BK 2 1220, Lane 2777)
nakfat-, nakafat- - area between the jaw and the neck
(BK 2 1344, Lane 3038)
nkt - to strike with a stick; to throw upon the ground; to thrust, to pierce
(Lane 2846)
nkṯ - to undo, to untwist; to dissolve, to break a covenant
(Lane 2847)