Var. tuḫm-. May be an early Aramaism (cf. Off. Arm. tḥ(w)m 'border, boundary; territory', Nab. tḥwm 'id.', Plm. tḥwm 'id.', JPA tḥūm 'border, limit, area', CPA tḥwm 'border, limit, boundary; territory, region, district', JBA tḥūmā 'border, limit', Syr. tḥumā 'limit, boundary, border; precept, regulation, penalty; definition, term', Mnd. tauma 'boundary, frontier, limit'), see the discussion under Akk. taḫūmu 'border, territory'.
Arb. at-tilmu = al-ġulāmu 'boy, servant' (LA 12 76) considered an Akkadism (or Aramaism of an eventually Akkadian background, see JPA tlym 'twin brother', Sam tlym 'brother' and Akk. talīmu '(beloved) brother' with etymological discussion) by AHw 1310, is semantically rather remote for a loan relationship, but perhaps suitable as a cognate.
May be related to Akk. taltallu 'pollen, stamen of the date palm' (see discussion under the entry).