wisād- - pillow; a thing upon which one reclines or rests
(Lane 2940)
wsm - to mark, stigmatize, brand
(BK 2 1537, Lane 3054)
sinat-, wasnat-, wasanat- - envie de dormir, somnolence; sommeil profond; premier somme (want to sleep, drowsiness; deep sleep; first slumber)
(BK 2 1539)
wsn - être endormi d’un profond sommeil; être dans son premier somme; sommeiller (to sleep deeply; to slumber)
(BK 2 1538)
Cf. nšr ‘to spread; to revive; to saw’, minšār ‘a saw’ (BK 2 1258, Lane 2794); ˀšr ‘to saw’ (BK 1 35; Lane 62)
wṣl - to arrive; to behave with goodness and affection, to have a close, loving communion with somebody; (IV) to make come, to bring, to deliver
(Lane 3054)