
Geez (epigraphic)
tfn - meaning unknown (RIÉ IIIB:577)
-u - his (genitive pronominal suffix, 3 masc. sg.) (Bulakh–Kogan 2013b:101)
-a/-ha - her (genitive and accusative pronominal suffix, 3 fem. sg.) (Bulakh–Kogan 2013b:101, WTS 1)
-ha is the allomorph used with verbal forms ending in *-ā (the etymological guttural is restored). See Bulakh–Kogan 2013b:105.
-o/-hu - him (accusative pronominal suffix, 3 masc. sg.) (Bulakh–Kogan 2013b:102)
-hu is the allomorph used with verbal forms ending in *-ā (the etymological guttural is restored). See Bulakh–Kogan 2013b:105.
-om/-hom - their; them (genitive and accusative pronominal suffix, 3 masc. pl.) (Bulakh–Kogan 2013b:101, WTS 6)
-hom is the allomorph used with verbal forms ending in *-ā (the etymological guttural is restored). See Bulakh–Kogan 2013b:105.
-an/-han - their; them (genitive and accusative pronominal suffix, 3 fem. pl.) (Bulakh–Kogan 2013b:101, WTS 17)
-han is the allomorph used with verbal forms ending in *-ā (the etymological guttural is restored). See Bulakh–Kogan 2013b:105.
ˀəb/bə- - in, through, with, by (WTS 365)
Just as in Tna., there are two reflexes of the preposition *bi- in Tgr.: ˀəb with the initial glottal stop and bə- without it. In contrast to Tna., where ˀab and have different meanings (locative and instrumental respectively), Tgr. forms are phonetic variants of a single preposition.
ˀab - father (WTS 365)
ˀəbd - fool-hardy (WTS 369)
ˀabbəkiki - a small bird of light-yellow colour (probably a sort of lapwing) (LH 368)
Cf. bəka ‘a bird (Ploceus larvatus)’ (ibid. 290), unless a loan from Bilin