kənsīd - top of shoulder
(ML 212)
kənūz - to bind hair with a leather thong; to bind, to wrap
(ML 212)
kárbəl - to crawl on the knees
(ML 213)
kərkēm - orange-yellow dye
(ML 214)
See Kogan 2015:510-511 for examples with this term denoting “”one isolated mountain” (rather than “plateau” or “mountain range”)”.
kīrəŝ - belly; calf; biceps
(ML 214)
kətūb - to write
(ML 217)
likely borrowed from Arabic
kawb - wolf; dog
(ML 208)
“In continental MSA, *kalb- has acquired the meaning “wolf”, but continues to mean “dog” both as an independent lexeme and in combination with *ma-bˁal- (originally, “something owned, domestic”, cf. Mhr. mābáyl ‘owned’ ML 41, Soq mə́bḥəlʼ ‘esclave’ in LS 91). (Kogan 2015:533, fn. 1401)
The word seems to be the basic term for the complex notion of “earth”, “land” and “ground”, as evidenced by its predominance in MTO, SAE III and SAE IX (see Kogan 2015:496-497 for the discussion).
“Related to Arb. qāˁ- ‘an even place, plain or level land’ (Lane 2994) and may be borrowed from it.” (Kogan 2015:31)