
Biblical Aramaic
ḥăzā - to see; to perceive (HALOT 1872)
Biblical Aramaic
ḳŏdām - before (HALOT 1967)
Biblical Aramaic
korsēˀ - seat, throne (HALOT 1902)
Biblical Aramaic
ḳärän, det. ḳarnā - horn (HALOT 1776)
Biblical Aramaic
ḳṭl - to kill (HALOT 1969)
Biblical Aramaic
*ḳəṭar - joint (HALOTg 1773)
pl. ḳiṭrīn Presumably from ‘knot’. In ḳiṭrē ḥarṣēh ‘the joints of his hip’.
Biblical Aramaic
lbš - to be clothed (HALOT 1907)
Biblical Aramaic
liššānā - tongue, language, language group, people (HALOT 1732)
Biblical Aramaic
məˁē - belly (HALOT 1740)

pl. suff. məˁō̒hī. Note that the context Dan 2.32 clearly points to the external part of the belly.  

Biblical Aramaic
mā(ˀ)n - receptacle, vessel (HALOT 1910)