
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˀdwn(h) - lord (DJA 29)
borrowed from Canaanite
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˀdyr - mighty (DJPA 35)
marginally attested, may be a Hebraism
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˀōḥārān - other, other one (DJPA 38)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˀlˁ - side, rib (DJPA 60)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˀlp - to teach, to train (DJPA 60)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˀalyətā, ˀallītā - fat-tail (Jastrow 70, DJPA 59)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˀammətā - cubit (Jastrow 79, DJPA 61)
Euph. also ‘membrum virile’
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˀnḳh - female camel (DJPA 66)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˀänāš - person, one (DJPA 66)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ˀappīn - face (DJPA 70)