
sγr, s̀γr - servant (DUL 755)

< Akk. ṣuḫāru PS *ṣγr ‘(to be) smalľ is well attested in Ugaritic in its original form. But it remains unclear why Akk. ḫ and ṣ should have shifted to γ and s (s̀) in Ugaritic. The former correspondence could probably be explained by the speaker’s awareness of the etymological relationship between ṣuḫāru and ṣγr (an etymologically motivated contamination, as in Biblical Aramaic hălāk ‘tribute, tax’ < Akkadian ilku). The latter can only be accounted for by some sort of phonetic difference between Akkadian ṣ and Ugaritic ṣ (affricate vs. non-affricate or glottalized vs. backed?). (Kogan 2015: 353)

*ṣγr - to be small (DRS 772; Kogan 2015: 353, 430)