Amarna Canaanite

namalu - ant (Rainey 2015: 1022)

kī namlu tumḫaṣu lā tiḳabbilu u tanšuku ḳāti amēli ša yimaḫḫašši ‘When an ant is smitten, does not it fight and bite the hand of the man who smote it?’ (EA 252: 16-19)

*namal-/*naml- - ant (SED II No. 163; Kogan 2011: 212)
There is no reliable reflex of this root in Akkadian, as both namlu and lamattu do not give the impression of being autochthonous Akkadian words (see SED II No. 163 for a comprehensive discussion; cf. also Hrůša 2010:255)