
paruštu - girdle (SAD I)
No etymology can be suggested.
parzikku - (mng. uncert.) (CAD P 212, AHw. 837)
Or parziqqu. No definitive etymology can be suggested.
parzillu - iron (CAD P 212, AHw. 837)
pasaˀdu - equipment, outfitting (CAD) (CAD P 216, AHw. 838)
Or pa(s)sādu, pa/ā(s)sidu. Akk. pas(s)ādu most likely renders Old Iranian *passāda- < *patsāda- (Tavernier 2007:451f.) < *pati-sāda- ‘shield’.
pasāḳu - to choke(?), to strangle(?) (CAD P 218, AHw. 838)
No etymology can be suggested.
pasallu - (an object) (CAD P 216)
No definitive etymology can be suggested.
pasālu - to twist, to turn (CAD P 216, AHw. 838)
Var. pesēlu.
Derived words: passa/ālu ‘distorted(?)’ (CAD P 224, AHw. 839); pisiltu ‘misadventure; clay lump’ (CAD P 424, AHw. 867, 868); pussulu ‘twisted’ (CAD P 536, AHw. 882).
Semantically exact matches are found in Middle Eastern Aramaic (with š instead of the expected s): JBA pšl ‘to twist, to spin’, Syr. pšl (af.) ‘nevit, texuit; torsit, contorsit’, Mnd. pšl ‘to twist, to knot’ (MD 382). Phonetically more straightforward would be a comparison with JPA psl ‘to make unfit’ (DJPA 440), JBA psl ‘to render unfit, invalidated’ (DJBA 918), Arb. fsl ‘to be low, base, ignoble’, Mhr. fәsōl ‘not to have one’s former energy’, fōsәl ‘neglectful, lazy’. It would imply a metaphoric semantic shift from “twisted, crooked” to “bad, unsuitable”, which is not unlikely, especially since such connotations for pasālu are attested within Akkadian.
pasāmu - to cover up, to veil, to conceal (CAD P 217, AHw 838, 840, 841, 856)
Var. pasānu, pesēmu, pesēnu, paṣānu.
Derived words: napsamu ‘nose bag’ (CAD N₁ 315, AHw. 740); pašūmu ‘veiľ (CAD P 269); pisintu ‘stealth’ (CAD P 424, AHw. 856); pusummu (puṣunnu) ‘veiľ (CAD P 537, AHw. 883); pusumtu ‘veiľ (CAD P 538); tapsīmtu ‘veiling’ (CAD T 193, AHw. 1322).
The root variant pṣn must be diachronically primary with respect to psm. Promising cognates are represented by the metathetic variant *ṣpn.
pasāsu - to erase, to cancel (CAD P 218, AHw. 838)
Derived words: passu ‘flattened’ (CAD P 224, AHw. 839); pasūsātu ‘obliteration’ (CAD P 225, AHw 839); pissatu (piššatu) ‘erasure’ (CAD P 426); pussusu ‘erased, cancelled’ (CAD P 537, AHw. 883).
Direct parallels to the Akkadian verb are attested only in JBA pss ‘to destroy, to break’ and Mnd. pss ‘to destroy, to break, to cut asunder; to vanish, to disappear’. The dialectal distribution of the Aramaic lexemes makes it likely that they are due to Akkadian influence.
pāsigu - (a bird) (SAD I)
Or pasīgu. No etymology can be suggested.