
Official Aramaic
dḳdḳ - small (DNWSI 258)
Official Aramaic
dḳḳ - fine (DNWSI 258)
Official Aramaic
dlḥ - to stir up, to trouble; to be troubled (DNWSI 249)

Direct cognates are attested in Akk. dalāḫu 'to stir', Ugr. dlḥt 'thick, cloudy', Hbr. dlḥ 'to make turbid', Samal. dlḥ 'to stir up, to trouble; to be troubled', Syr. dlḥ 'to trouble, to disturb, to discomfit'. Cf. JPA dlwḥth 'fear, fright', connected with Syr. dlḥ by Sokoloff.

Official Aramaic
dm - blood (DNWSI 251)
Official Aramaic
dnḥ - to rise, to shine, to be bright (said of the sun) (DNWSI 256)
Official Aramaic
dyn - judge (DNWSI 246)
Official Aramaic
gbyn - forehead (DNWSI 209)
Official Aramaic
gdy - kid (DNWSI 1239)
Official Aramaic
gml - camel (DNWSI 226)
Official Aramaic
gmr - the total price (DNWSI 227)