pandunu - (a cereal product)
(CAD P 81, AHw. 1581)
No etymology can be suggested.
pannaru - (a foodstuff)
(CAD P 83, AHw. 818, Dercksen 2010)
Var. panniru. For the meaning see Dercksen 2010 (“a variety of dried meat”). As pointed out by Dercksen, a connection to pinnaru (a cheese) “is excluded because of the relation with oxen”.
Cf. punnigu, pananig(g)u (AHw. 1581), pin(n)igu (CAD P 383, AHw. 818).
Four different words, presumably representing reflexes of a Wanderwort, are provisionally united in this entry. They are presumably related to Hbr. pannag (HALOT 937), as well as to Hittite pun(n)iki- (a bread or pastry) (CHD P 376, HEG P 648).
panpānu - (a term for a sanctuary)
(CAD P 84, AHw. 818)