
parāˀu - to slice, to slit (CAD P 181, AHw 832)
pardannu - (a disease) (CAD P 182, AHw. 833)
No etymology can be suggested.
pardeksu - allotment (CAD P 182)
From Greek παράδειξις “proof, establishment” (Liddell–Scott 1308).
pardēsu - garden, park (CAD P 182, AHw. 833, EDA I 350)
Corresponds to late Old Persian {p-r-d-y-d-a-} (A²Sd 3), reconstructed as *pardēd(a)- < *paridaida- “lustschloss, garden palace” (WAK 225) (EDA I 350).
pargallu - a type of sheep (CAD B 110, AHw. 1582)
From Sum. barĝal(a) <(a sheep with) unplucked fleece> (see PSD B 101 {bar} A mng. 4.3.5; ibid., 122b). The correspondence Sum. b ~ Akk. p suggests an early loanword
pargānu - meadow (CAD P 184, AHw 833)
pargulluḫuli - seal-cutter (CAD P 521, AHw 834)
From Hurrian *pargulli with the nomen professionis suffix -o/u-ġ(e)-o/u-li. The hypothetical *pargulli, not attested in Hurrian texts, is a loanword from Akkadian parkullu “seal-cutter”. Limited attestation and lack of morphological Akkadization suggest that pargullo/uġo/uli was not a deeply rooted loanword in Akkadian.
parīdu - (a qualification of silver) (CAD P 185, AHw. 833, EDA I 341)
parīsu - (a measure of capacity, one-half of a gur) (CAD P 186, AHw. 833)
Since almost all the references to parīsu come from Western areas (Mari, Alalakh, Carchemish, Emar, Boghazköy), it is reasonable to surmise that we are dealing with a “Western” lexical feature (Westenholz 2000:xiv, with additional references). Derivation from *prs ‘to cut, to divide’ in West Semitic is feasible both semantically and morphologically.
parišû - (a garment) (CAD P 187, AHw. 834)
One cannot exclude a relationship between the Akkadian word and WS designations of ‘cover, curtain, carpet’ going back to the verbal root *prŝ ‘to spread’.