
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ptn - snake (DJPA 456)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ptr - to interpret, to explain (DJPA 456)
Might be a Hebraism.
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
pātōr - table (DJPA 454)
A loanword from Akkadian paššūru ‘table’. The most likely source of t is *ṯ, see EDA I 454 on the etymology issues.
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
pṭr - to release, to exempt from ritual obligation (DJPA 429)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
ptyt - a morsel of bread (DJPA 455)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
pwˀh - madder (DJPA 425)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
pwl - bean (DJPA 425)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
pwrḳh - neck (DJPA 427)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
pyl - elephant (DJPA 431)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
pynh - cornerstone (DJPA 431)
must be a Hebraism