umṣatu - a mole or wart
(CAD U–W 135, AHw. 1418)
Compared by von Soden to Jud. ˁumḳā ‘dark (inflamed) spot, rising, swelling’ [Jastrow 1090]. This comparison implies a protoform *ˁ/γumṣ̂ which is less likely
since the development PS *ṣ̂ > ḳ in Jud. and other late Arm. dialects is quite exceptional.
unḳu - ring
(CAD U–W 167, AHw. 1422)
An original Akk. lexeme which may be related to PS *ˁVnḳ- with a meaning shift from ‘necklace’, see SED I No. 15, Kogan 2011:216. Note, however, that unqu means ‘fingerring’.