
- as one, together (DUL 519)
Hapax legomenon in 1.14 ii 32‒35: ˁdn ngb w yṣˀi ṣbˀu ṣbˀi ngb w yṣˀi ˁdn mˁ ṣbˀuk ˀul mˀad. Although there is no unanimously accepted understanding of the syntax of this passage, comparison with Arb. maˁaⁿ ‘together’ is certainly not the only way of interpreting mˁ in this context (‘a throng will indeed go forth’ in Pardee 1997:334 and cf. Tropper 2000:813, Renfroe 1992:128) Kogan 2015: 327
mˁms - the one loaded with (DUL 521)
mbk - source, spring (DUL 523)
md - an official (DUL 524, CAD M₂ 167, Watson 2007: 92)
< Akk. mūdû
mdbr - desert (DUL 525)
mddt - dispenser, distributor (DUL 526, Watson 2007: 93)
very uncertain, connection with Akk. mādidu ‘official supervising the delivery or distribution of staples’ (CAD M₁ 16) is unprovable (Kogan 2015: 364)
mdgl - tower (DUL 530, Watson 2007: 93)
As rightly observed by D. Pardee (2000: 675), the meaning of the Ugaritic word is uncertain and its hypothetic relationship to the normal designation of tower (mgdl) remains to be substantiated. A borrowing from Akk. madgaltu is, at any rate, unprovable (Kogan 2015: 364).
mḏlγ - (unclear) (DUL 592)
totally uncertain, none of the putative Akkadian source-words is in any sense reliable (as admitted by Watson himself, 2007 :3) (Kogan 2015: 364)
mḏnt - sandal (DUL 529, Watson 2007: 93)
totally uncertain,borrowing from Akk. mešēnu is unprovable and unlikely (Kogan 2015: 364)
mgdl - tower, watchtower (DUL 524)

The root of the word may be related, with metathesis, to Akk. dagālu 'look' and the lexemes listed under the entry (see also Ugr. mdgl 'tower' ?).