birdu - pockmark, pockmarked person
(CAD B 246, AHw. 128)
To be compared with Hbr. bārōd “spotted, dappled”, Syr. bārdā “fuscus, lividus; maculates, varius”, Arb. ˀabrad- “a bull upon which there are spots, or patches, of white and black; the leopard” (Lane 186).
biri - between, amidst, among, in common
(CAD B 246; AHw. 128)
There is no trace of *bayna ‘between’ in Akkadian, as its semantic equivalent biri (AHw. 128, CAD B 246) cannot be reduced to *bayna for obvious phonological reasons (contra Brockelmann 1908:498 and HALOT 123 where the etymological relationship between the two forms is tacitly taken for granted) (Kogan 2015:80).