
panu - face (CAD P 84, AHw. 818)
Derived words: pana ‘formerly, in the past; in front’ (CAD P 76, AHw. 817); panānum ‘earlier, formerly’ (CAD P 78, AHw. 818); panātu ‘front part; earlier, previous, prior time’ (CAD P 79, AHw. 818); pani ‘earlier’ (CAD P 81, AHw. 818); paniš ‘before; in front’ (CAD P 82, AHw. 818); panišam ‘soon’ (CAD P 82, AHw. 818); panītu ‘past, past time; front, front part’ (CAD P 82, AHw. 818).
pānu - basket, container (CAD P 100, AHw. 822)
Probably from Sum. BAN₂ (also written ba-an) (a measure, a container) (PSD B 81).
panû - (mng. uncert.) (SAD I 62)
A derivation from Sum. PANA “bow” has been proposed (see SAD I 62). This etymology is mainly based on the comparison of bīt pa-ne₂-e with Akk. bīt ḳašti “bow-case” (CAD Q 155, lit. “home of the bow”). However, the context provides no strong evidence for the meaning “bow-case” of bīt pa-ne₂-e, and in view of the late attestation of the word in question its interpretation as a Sumerism is rather unlikely.
panû - to face, to go forward (CAD P 98, AHw. 822)
pAnu - (mng. uncert.) (CAD P 95)
papāḫu - cella, chapel (CAD P 101, AHw. 823)
Or papaḫḫu, pāpaḫu.
Evidently related to Sum. pa-paḫ “reception room, cella” and sometimes considered to be borrowed from it (e.g., SLOB No. 551). Since, however, Sum. pa-paḫ is always written syllabically and has no clear internal etymology, it is possible that the two lexemes have been borrowed from a third language (AHw. 823).
papallu - shoot, offspring (CAD P 105, AHw. 823)
Var. pamallu. Evidently related to Sum. pa-pa-al “shoot, offspring”. The Sum. word is always written syllabically and has no internal etymology (unless the first element is related to Sum. PA “branch, leaf”). It may well be of foreign origin. Cf. Landsberger 1967b:19, fn. 59 where both the Akk. and the Sum. words are considered “ursprachlich”.
pāpānu - (mng. uncert.) (CAD P 106)
Or papannu, bābānu etc. No definitive etymology can be suggested.
papḫaldaru - difficulty (?) (CAD P 106, AHw. 824)
Attested once in a late lexical list, corresponding to Sum. PAB.ḪAL-la “difficulty(?)”. Probably a late “learned” loanword from Sumerian, but the ending -daru is difficult to explain.
papḫallu - difficulty (CAD P 106)
From Sum. PAB.ḪAL “difficulty”. Probably a late “learned” loanword from Sumerian.