
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
bz - breast (DJPA 89)
det. byzh
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
bzˁ - to rend, to split (DJPA 90)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
bzy - to expose, to scorn, to disgrace (DJPA 89)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
dwr - to dwell (DJPA 142)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
dyˁh - sweat, perspiration (DJPA 148)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
dbḳ - to adhere, to attach, to be joined (DJPA 138)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
dd - breast (DJPA 139)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
dgn - grain (DJPA 139)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
dgš - to provide with dagesh (DJPA 139)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
dḥl - to fear, be afraid (DJPA 143)