
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
bwkrh - the first blossoming (DJPA 87)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
būṣ - byssus (DJPA 87)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
bwṣlyn - onion (DJPA 109)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
bwt - an unclean bird (DJPA 88)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
bwṭnh, boṭmā - terebinth (DJPA 87, 91)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
byˁh - egg (DJPA 96)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
byb - underground conduit (DJPA 91)

A borrowing from Akkadian bīˀu, bību ‘outlet’.

Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
bynh - wisdom, understanding (DJPA 96)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
byrh - castle, fortress (DJPA 102)
< Akk. bīrtu ‘citadel, castle (as part of a city); fort’ (Kaufman 1974, 44, Mankowski 2000, 46f.)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
byy - house (DJPA 92)
loss of -t in st.abs.