fḥḍ - to crush fresh, humid substances, such as a melon
(LA 7 228)
Cf. Akk. paʔāṣu ‘to cleave, to crush’
fḥḥ, fḫḫ - siffler (se dit des serpents); siffler en dormant (se dit d’un homme) (to whistle (said of snakes); to whistle while sleeping (said of a man)
(BK 2 547, Lane 2348)
Not attested in the available dictionaries of Classical Arabic
fḥṯ - to search, to seek, to inquire, to examine
(Lane 2344)
Note Ar. bḥṯ ‘to search, to inquire, to investigate’, Gez faḥasa ‘to dig, to examine, to scrutinize carefully, to question repeatedly’. fḥṯ and faḥasa are probably related to bḥṯ via devoicing of the first radical.
faḫūr- - a she-camel great in the udder, but having little milk; a palm-tree great in the trunk, thick in the branches; a house great in the yard and long therein
(Lane 2349)