*dawr-/*dawar- - period, cycle (DRS 240, Marassini 1971: 48, Fronzaroli 1965: 143, 148, EDA II)

The – apparently iconic (descriptive) – reduplication *dār- dār- (or *dār- dawr-), attested in both Akkadian and early NWS (Ugaritic, Hebrew, Aramaic), may go back to PS.

*dwr - to go around, to turn (EDA II)

In various Semitic languages, PS *dwr ‘to go round’ acquired the meaning ‘to stay permanently in one place, to dwelľ. A variant root *dhr is attested in some WS languages.

dāru - long time, eternity (AHw. 164, CAD D 107)

See also dūru ‘eternity; permanent position’ (AHw. 178, CAD D 197), dūriš ‘forever’ (AHw. 178), dāriš ‘forever’ (AHw. 163, CAD D 113), dāriš ‘for eternity’ (AHw. 164, CAD D 114), dārānu ‘eternaľ/’eternal sacrifices’ (AYw. 163, CAD D 109), dārīˀu ‘(ever)lasting, eternaľ (AHw. 164, CAD D 115), dārīˀa ‘eternally’ (CAD D 112), dārītu (AHw. 164, CAD D 114), dārūtu (AHw. 164, CAD D 118), dārūtaš (AHw. 1550, CAD D 118). This derivation, unquestionable in terms of the underlying consonantal root and the semantic development, is not without problems as far as derivational morphology is concerned, as the expected prototype *dawr- (Marrassini 1971: 48, Fronzaroli 1965: 143, 148) would yield dūru in Akkadian, actually well attested with the same meaning (see above). No ready solution for this problem is at hand. Shall one postulate a bivocalic pattern *dawar- contracted into *dār- in the prehistory of Akkadian? Derivation from the by-form *dahr- is not to be ruled out completely, but does not seem likely.

dāru - generation (AHw. 164, CAD D 115)

According to a broad concensus (AHw 164, CAD D 115, Streck 2000: 88), an early WS borrowing comparable to Hebrew dōr and its cognates listed here.

dr - cycle, generation (DUL 277)

The Ugaritic word is best attested in the reduplicated combination dr dr ‘eternity’ in KTU 1.2 IV 10 and KTU 1.19 III 48.

dōr - period, age; generation (BDB 189)

Often in dōr (wā)-dōr ‘forever’.

Biblical Aramaic
dār - generation (HALOT 1855)
Jewish Palestinian Aramaic
dār - generation (DJPA 154)
Christian Palestinian Aramaic
dr - generation (DCPA 93)
Jewish Babylonian Aramaic
dārā - generation (DJBA 349)

lə-dārdārē ‘forever’ (DJBA 350)

dārā - age, lifetime, generation (LSyr. 147)
dara - age, time, epoch (MD 100)

Often in dar daria.

dr-m - one occasion (SD 37)

dr-m dr-m ‘turn by turn’ (SD 37). Sabaic words do not refer to a long time period (”eternity”) and may rather represent a different, independent derivation from *d-w-r “to turn”.

dār - race, generation (CDG 140)

dor ‘race, generation’ (CDG 141). These two words are thought to be borrowed from Aramaic and Hebrew respectively by Leslau (CDG 140), but this is far from evident.

dur - course of time (WTS 537)
dəro - before, formerly, earlier, in ancient days (TED 2075)

Probably related following Leslau 1956: 247 and EDG 218.

dəro - formerly, previously (AED 1734)

Probably related following Leslau 1956: 247 and EDG 218. See also zändəro ‘this year, the current year’ (AED 1655).

dəro - formerly, ago (Leslau 1997: 199)

Probably related following Leslau 1956: 247 and EDG 218.

dəro - ago, long ago; olden days, year (EDG 218)

Probably related following Leslau 1956: 247 and EDG 218.

dəro - ago, long ago; olden days, year (EDG 218)

Probably related following Leslau 1956: 247 and EDG 218.

duru - ago, long ago; olden days, year (EDG 218)

Probably related following Leslau 1956: 247 and EDG 218. See also zänduru ‘this year’ (EDG 218).

yədər - this year (Leslau 1956: 247)

Probably related following Leslau 1956: 247 and EDG 218.

dərä - ago, long ago; olden days, year (EDG 218)

Probably related following Leslau 1956: 247 and EDG 218. See also zädrä ‘this year’ (EDG 218).

dərä - ago, long ago; olden days, year (EDG 218)

Probably related following Leslau 1956: 247 and EDG 218. See also zädrä ‘this year’ (EDG 218).

durä - ago, long ago; olden days, year (EDG 218)

Probably related following Leslau 1956: 247 and EDG 218. See also wadərä ‘this year’ (EDG 218)

dərä - ago, long ago; olden days, year (EDG 218)

Probably related following Leslau 1956: 247 and EDG 218. See also wādərä ‘this year’ (EDG 218).

dərä - ago, long ago; olden days, year (EDG 218)

Probably related following Leslau 1956: 247 and EDG 218. See also zādərä ‘this year’ (EDG 218).

dərä - ago, long ago; olden days, year (EDG 218)

Probably related following Leslau 1956: 247 and EDG 218. See also zəndərä ‘this year’ (EDG 218).

dərä - ago, long ago; olden days, year (EDG 218)

Probably related following Leslau 1956: 247 and EDG 218. See also zidərä ‘this year’ (EDG 218).

dərä - ago, long ago; olden days, year (EDG 218)

Probably related following Leslau 1956: 247 and EDG 218. See also zəndərä ‘this year’ (EDG 218).

dəro - ago, long ago; olden days, year (EDG 218)

Probably related following Leslau 1956: 247 and EDG 218. See also zändərä ‘this year’ (EDG 218).