*γurl(-at)- - foreskin
(SED I No. 108; Kogan 2011: 219)
Eg.-Syll. (West Semitic words in Egyptian syllabic writing): ḳu4-r=na=ta /*γurlata, γurlōta/ `foreskin, uncircumcised phallus` [Hoch 302] - J.H.Hoch. Semitic Words in Egyptian Texts of the New Kingdom and Third Intermediate Period (1994)
Oddly enough, reflected only in Arabic and Akkadian. Despite all the difficulties, Akkadian to Arabic borrowing is not to be ruled out (Kogan–Krebernik 2021a:392).
*γarVp- - occiput, back of the neck
(SED I No. 107; Kogan 2011: 220)