*ḥumṣ-at- - birth-mark, scar on the skin
(SED I No. 121; Kogan 2011: 230)
Questionable; attested in Akk. and Arb. only. The Arb. form may be synchronically analyzed as derived from ḥmṣ (II) ‘torréfeer, griller, rôtir’ [Dozy I
322], but historically a direct connection with Akk. umṣatu seems preferable (consider an almost complete identity of the vocalic shape as well as the fact that the Arb.
verbal root is attested only in the second stem, which is widely used to produce denominative verbs)
*ḥamṯ- - lower belly, uterus, womb
(SED I No. 122; Kogan 2011: 217)
Phonetically not without difficulties: only Ugr. and MSA forms definitely point
to *-ṯ as the third radical while reflexes in other languages are either not indicative
(Akk., Hbr., M. Eth.) or irregular (Arm.).