Var. passatu. No definitive etymology can be suggested. If the word designates a contagious lameness, an ultimate relationship to pessû ‘lame, crippled’ is possible.
One wonders whether Akk. pīštu ‘insult’ may be related to PC *pašˁ- ‘crime, transgression’ rather than derived from the somewhat ephemeral *wapāšu (AHw. 1459, CAD U-W 402).
From Hurrian pe/idarže “enclosure for bulls”, a transparent derivate from pe/idari “bull” (BGH 319) with the nominal suffix -že (Giorgieri 2000:202, Wegner 2007:55).
pitḫatu - (name of an irrigation district)
(CAD P 435)
Probably of WS origin, derived from the root *ptḥ ‘to open’.
pitipabaga - (an official, lit. apportioner of rations)
(CAD P 436, AHw. 869)
Var. pitpibaga. From Old Iranian *piθfa-baga- ‘distributor of provisions’ (Eilers 1940:59-81).