Only in ˀil d-pˀid “Ilu, that of heart” (Tropper–Hayajneh 2003), the meaning “heart” is established on etymological grounds.
piˀl - (a food)
(DUL 648, Watson 2002, 2007, 98f.)
The Ugaritic word is reliably attested in KTU 4.751:7, where it is measured by the well-known dry measure ltḥ (DUL 501), which is quite appropriate for flour.
The meaning of Ugr. pˀit is debatable. Dietrich; Loretz 1990, 145f. opt for “forehead”, but since 1.103+:11 involves a paired body part ({l pỉt šmảl} “on his left pỉt”), Pardee’s arguments in favour of the translation “temple” (Pardee 2000, 560f.) are cogent. However, in 1.17 ii 9 ({w ʕl yṣhl pỉt}) the meaning “forehead” would fit much better than “temple” (cf. Pardee’s rather strained “above, he shines in (his) temples”, paraphrased as “his countenance glowed” in the literary translation, Pardee 1997c, 345).