
gébe - 1. to be able; 2. to overcome (CSOL I 541; CSOL II 461; LS 101)
gad - 1. skin, hide; 2. body (Naumkin et al. 2015a:68; CSOL II 464; LS 101)

ľáˁzɛm gadk ‘Shame on you!’:

ľáˁzɛm gadk ḥer ɛʰ tóˀo aḷ-šḥámidk suffára áˁzomk tan ḥer ‘Shame on you today, for you failed to show hospitality to the visitors. You have disgraced us today!’ (CSOL II 8:27)


gódiˁ or gódeˁ - trunk (LS 102; CSOL I 541)
gédob - 1. to cut; 2. to take out the fiber (of a palm-tree) (Naumkin et al. 2022:275)
gédaḥ - to come (Naumkin et al. 2015a:68; CSOL I 542, 461; LS 102)
gáfon - doll made from the skin of the calf, which is placed under the cow so that it can be milked (LS 114)
gέhɛ - chest, breast (Naumkin et al. 2015a:68; CSOL I 543; LS 103)
gáḥi - wadi (LS 107; CSOL I 543; CSOL II 463; Naumkin et al. 2015a:68)
gέhɛm - 1. to accumulate, to gather 2. to enter the pen in the morning; 3. to come home at noon (CSOL I 543; CSOL II 463; Naumkin et al. 2015a:68; LS 103, 108)

di-gέhɛm ‘morning star’: 

ŝéˀe tho míˀšer záḥi yebέḷbeḷ ḷe-di-gέhɛm ‘But I do care about a big he-goat bleating at the morning star.’ (CSOL I 13:5)