ˁamḳ di-ḥádeb ‘midway along’:
tóˀo éraḥk ˁamḳ di-ḥádeb ŝínik mihľóˁoʰ be-kɛndhíyoʰ di-ṣö́bhor ‘When I got midway, I saw a shadow beneath a tamarind tree.’ (CSOL II 7:6)
ḥédbe in be-ḥédbe ‘at one’s disposaľ: ḷaḷ yaˁágob ľiṣḷέb mésen wa-ḷaḷ yaˁágob ľirkέb mésen ḥa sen mey be-ḥédbe dέhɛr ḷe-nišéte wa-ḷe-ˀeẓ̂ími ‘Whenever he wants to slaughter one of them or make a sacrifice for Immolation Day, they are always at hand, day and night.’ (CSOL II 15:19)
also ḥídhe (m.) or ḥíde (f.) (Bulakh 2023:206)