
*ydn - to be new (Kogan 2015: 33, ibid. 527)
*zhr - to go down (Kogan 2015:576)
The origin of Proto-MSA *zhr ‘to go down’ is unknown. (Kogan 2015:576)
*zlḳ - to draw (liquid) (Kogan 2015:576)
The origin of Proto-MSA *zlḳ ‘to draw (liquid)’ is unknown. (Kogan 2015:576)
*γyg - to give birth (animals) (Kogan 2015: 543)
see also *γayg- - man
*šḳḳ - to be cold (Kogan 2015:493)
Areal reconstruction
*ˀibil- - camel (SED II No. 2, Kogan 2011: 207)
one of the four widespread designations of camel in individual languages, the similarity between these designations must be due to diffusion from an Arabian source
Areal reconstruction
*ˀVšVr- - penis (Kogan 2015:332)

Akk.-Ugt. isogloss, has no parallel elsewhere in Semitic. If the Akk. and Ugr. terms are related as cognates, the traditional derivation of Akk. išaru from ešēru 'to be straight' (<*yšr) become impossible.

Areal reconstruction
*ˁḳw - (meaning unknown) (Naumkin et al. 2016a: 57)
Areal reconstruction
*ˁmḳ - to be strong (Kogan 2015:333)

The origin of Akk.-Ugr. *ˁmḳ ‘to be strong’ is uncertain. Hypothetical WS cognates with the meaning “strength” (notably, Hbr. ˁēmäḳ) are quite doubtful (with HALOT 849 and contra Greenfield 1967:89). Somewhat more promising are Tgr. ˁammäḳä ‘to rob, to defraud’ (WTS 456), Amh. ammäḳä ‘to oppress, to rule by force’. There is no transparent semantic link between Akk.-Ugr. *ˁmḳ ‘to be strong’ and *ˁmḳ ‘to be deep’. According to CAD E 161, Akk. emūḳu ‘strength’ is, in its origin, an anatomical term (“arm”), but there is no etymological support for this conjecture. (Kogan 2015:333)

Areal reconstruction
*ˁVng(-at)- - neck (SED I 18)
Compared to Afras. *ˁVng- ‘neck, throat’ in SED I. May be also attested in Ebla: in-gu /ˁingu(m)/ or /ˁinḳu(m)/ ‘neck’, cf. SED I p. 18.